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Publié sur un an il y a par Julien Pauthier
Here is an example of an API batch that retrieves the SSO token of one of the reseller's clients, fetches the first company and creates a new service associated with all staffs:
{ "requests": [ { "name": "get-reseller-child-account", "path": "/api/2.0/resellers/accounts/{{ACCOUNT ID or EXTERNAL ID}}", "method": "GET" }, { "name": "get-company", "path": "/api/2.1/scheduling/companies", "method": "GET", "headers": { "token": "${result=get-reseller-child-account:$.ssoToken}" } }, { "path": "/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/${result=get-company:$.items[0].id}/services?staff=all", "method": "POST", "headers": { "token": "${result=get-reseller-child-account:$.ssoToken}" }, "body": { "allowBookingIteration": false, "availability": "public", "bufferDuration": 0, "price": 0, "capacity": 1, "description": "", "color": "#FF5454", "duration": 30, "maxAppointmentsPerDay": 1, "name": "Assistance", "overNight": false, "overNightStartTime": "", "payable": false } } ] }
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Here is an example of an API batch that retrieves the SSO token of one of the reseller's clients, fetches the first company and creates a new service associated with all staffs:
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